
The 5 steps you should know about reusable packaging before starting

Even if circular economy and reusable packaging are becoming trendy, they remain recent concept. This is why we wanted to take the time to review the concept and detail which steps are important to follow in order to implement reusable packaging in the best way. Ready? Go!

Reusable packaging is a service, not simply an enveloppe.

At RePack we like to say that we are a service provider and not simply a packaging supplier.

Our concept, indeed, consist of providing you with a reusable packaging that you can ship to your customer after an e-commerce order. But, we go further than this by managing the return logistic channel. We collect the bags, return them to our hub in Marmande, check their quality and clean them, if they need, to be reused again by another company (or yours again).

And here is the loop completed !

Now that you got the concept, let’s see which steps we advise you to follow to implement reusable properly

Ordering a set of samples to meet our fantastic packaging in person

Once we had our fist introduction call we consider you should see our RePacks by yourself. See the design, the quality, and show it your team at the coffee machine, asking the CSR, marketing and sales team what they think about it.

Run it in your warehouse : logistic test

We consider our RePack stands out of the competition because of their easiness and fast time to pack, as well as their tamper-proof solution. That is why we advise you to test it several time in a row in your warehouse. Do it around 5-10 times with your operators, logistics team,… and collect feedback from them for room of improvement regarding the bag, the packaging station, the sealing etc.

Do not hesitate to send us feedback or ask for specific requirements. We are able design the necessary for you if needed.

We also advise you to compare the time to pack between your current single-use solutions and ours so that you can see if, on top of being sustainable, our reusable packaging can be faster than your solutions.

Involve other departments in the project

If you think RePack has the logistic potential to replace your single-use solutions, now it is time to engage with the rest of your team project.

The next step will be to think about how are you going to present RePack at the checkout on your website, how much will you ask your customer to pay for it (if you want to make them pay), which discount are you going to offer them, and lastly how your brand is going to communicate about it.

That is why it is important for this project to build a team composed with people from CSR, Marketing, Operations and C-level. It is, as we mentionned, a project in itself and not simply a packaging replacement.

Present it to your customers !

Now that everything is technically ready, we would advise you to run a pilot in small volume so that your customers can meet RePack : let’s say 500 - 1000 shipments. nous vous recommandons de faire des tests en petits volume auprès de vos clients : disons 500 - 1000 envois.

The goal is then to call your customers asking them what they thought about this experience.

“- Allô? Mr. x / Mrs Y ? This is … from … ! I’m calling you because you should have received an order within an enveloppe slight different than usual with the name RePack on it. Can you confirm?

-Yes indeed! It was really…”

And then it’s up to you!

That way, you’ll be able to clearly know what you customers think about it.

Spoiler: Results are good.. Our experience with Royal Canin demonstrated customers rate the RePack experience at 4.8⭐ (out of 5!)

You have now implemented reusable packaging! Congratulations!

RePack was approuved by all the team members, they find it easy to pack, innovative, sustainable, game-changer for a brighter tomorrow leaned towards economy, so your C-levels approuved the budget for that project!

Thank you a lot, you contributed to make our economy shift from linear to circular, everyone became a huge fan of your brand for standing which such values and you appear everywhere in the press. Applause!

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